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7 Reasons You Need a Handwoven Basket in Your Life!

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7 Reasons You Need a Handwoven Basket in Your Life!

If you’re looking for baskets, whether it’s for your home, office, or as a gift, you’ve got a lot of choices. You might be asking yourself, “Why should I choose handwoven baskets?

I mean, you’ve got everything from synthetic to wicker, wire, and then there are these handwoven ones. But let’s talk about why picking a handwoven basket, especially an African one made by skilled artisans, could be a really special choice.

Here are many reasons why I think buying handmade African baskets is a great option.

Why Handwoven Baskets Are Worth It

Choosing handwoven baskets isn’t just good for you; it’s great for the environment and supports the talented artisans who craft them. 

When I look at my collection of handwoven baskets, I don’t just see places to stash stuff. Each one adds its own warmth and charm to my home. To me, these baskets aren’t just practical items—they’re stunning, unique, and full of stories.

Below, I’ve outlined the many reasons why having a basket is a must, if you haven’t already.

1. They are simply stunning

Handwoven Basket: women carrying African woven baskets

Handwoven African baskets are just that – handmade. 

The real beauty of these baskets is in their small imperfections– no two baskets are identical. 

Whenever I travel to these African countries, I get the opportunity to meet the artisans who created these baskets, I feel a sense of community when getting them from their hands to mine. 

I can personally attest to the fact that these baskets are made in many colors and designs, so there’s something to suit every style and need. I've used them in my own home as plant holders and decorative pieces, and they always catch the eye of visitors. The unique charm is simply undeniable.

2. Woven baskets are incredibly versatile.

In my home, I've found countless uses for African baskets. They’re great for storing things, holding plants, decorating your space, and take them along for picnics.

One of my favorite examples is our Rufina Designs wall baskets.

They're really practical. They not only look stunning on the wall. I I've used them as fruit bowls to add a pop of color to my kitchen, as centerpieces on the dining table, and as storage in the bathroom.

It's this kind of versatility that makes woven baskets a good essential to have in the house.  

3. The baskets are eco-friendly

If you’re passionate about using eco-friendly products, woven baskets are a great way to do just that. 

These baskets are made from natural, renewable materials like bamboo, palm leaves, banana leaves, and local grasses such as sisal. 

An eco-friendly brand, Obakkimentions that if these materials are sourced locally, made by hand, and grown without heavy pesticide use, they’re a really sustainable option.

During my travels, I saw how these materials are sourced locally and made into beautiful baskets by skilled artisans. It doesn’t rely on big machines, harmful chemicals, or a whole bunch of people working in unsafe conditions. The women go source for the materials and weave themselves.

This makes them much better for the environment compared to plastic baskets. Plus, African baskets are biodegradable, which is another win for the environment.

So when you choose woven baskets over synthetic baskets, like those from Rufina Designs, you’re taking a small but important step to reduce your carbon footprint.

4. They are built to last

I'll tell you why handwoven baskets are worth investing in – they're built to last.

I can personally vouch for this; I've had a handwoven basket for years, and it still looks as good as the day I bought it. It remains sturdy and in excellent condition, despite regular use. 

When you invest in a Rufina Designs basket, you're getting a durable and long-lasting item that will stand the test of time.

But you don’t have to just take my word for it. Woven Heritage Baskets, a business based in Ghana that specializes in crafting Bolga baskets, mentions that:

a well-cared-for Bolga basket can last up to 3 decades, thanks to the natural resilience of elephant grass”.

5. You get to support African artisans

Picture of the  women who weave our baskets in Ghana

When you buy a handwoven basket, you're making a difference in the lives of skilled artisans and bettering the economy of these communities. 

On my many trips to source for these baskets, I've met some of these artisans and seen how they put their heart and soul into crafting these baskets. For them, it's not just a job; it's a way of life that's been passed down for generations.

One memory that sticks with me is when I visited Kenya and met a group of incredibly talented women weavers. They told me how vital this craft is to their community as it allows them to earn a living and support their families.

That's why, at Rufina Designs, we go straight to the source and work directly with these artisans.That way, we ensure the quality of our products while also supporting these artisans and their families.

When you choose a basket from Africa, you're not just adding decor to your home – you're making a meaningful investment in sustainable practices that empower women artisans and boost local economies. 

Isn't that a good thing to be a part of? 

Buying these baskets directly supports the artisans and their communities, leading to economic independence and better lives.” Mst. Sampa Khatun.

6. Good value for your money

While hand woven baskets may have a higher upfront cost compared to their factory-made counterparts, their durability and timeless design prove them to be a cost-effective choice in the long haul.

Consider it an investment in quality and sustainability.

I’m talking about versatile baskets that last for years and can be reused for various purposes. And did I mention, they’re eco-friendly?

It’s really awesome to know that when you buy handmade basket, you’re not contributing to a lot of the waste that comes with mass-produced products. Everything is made from scratch, so there’s a lot less trash and pollution going into the environment.

Plus, it just feels good to support artists and artisans who are keeping old crafts alive, instead of big corporations that are just churning out cheap, disposable stuff.

7. There’s something for everyone

Every region in Africa has its own distinct style of baskets, each with its own history and cultural significance.

These baskets come in various types, crafted in different regions with distinctive flair. For instance, you’ve got the Bolga baskets from Ghana, the South African Zulu baskets, the Binga baskets from Zimbabwe, and more.

These versatile baskets are designed to meet different needs. 

Whether you’re looking for decorative wall baskets, plant holders, cozy dog baskets, practical laundry options, or trendy basket bags to slay the summer vibes – we’ve got it all. I've used these baskets for various purposes around my home, and they never disappoint.

And if you need help finding the right one, explore our extensive collection, and don't hesitate to reach out – I'm here to help you discover your perfect match.



How do I care for my handwoven basket?

To care for your handwoven basket, keep it dry to prevent molding and avoid direct sunlight to preserve its colors. If needed, clean gently with a damp cloth. Also, handle it with care to prevent stretching. 

Store the basket in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when not in use. These simple steps will help your handwoven basket remain both beautiful and functional.

Where can I buy authentic handwoven baskets?

If you’re on the hunt for authentic handwoven baskets, there are a few great options. Check out local artisan markets or craft fairs – you get to connect with skilled artisans directly, which is pretty cool.

If you prefer the online route, give  Rufina Designs  a look. We specialize in genuine handcrafted goods and believe in fair trade practices.

Are handwoven baskets ethical?

Yes, most handwoven baskets are ethical.

The markers use sustainable materials and the baskets are often made under fair trade practices, such that artisans are paid fairly for their work. You can watch the video above to learn more about how ethical these baskets really are. 

So, why go for handwoven baskets?

I hope by now I’ve convinced you that handwoven baskets are an awesome choice for a lot of reasons.

First of all, they’re made with love and care, not in a factory with machines. This means they’re eco-friendly, durable, and super versatile.

And buying one doesn’t just get you a beautiful basket – it also helps support the amazing people who make it. Having seen these artisans in action, I can attest to the value these baskets bring to their homes, and communities worldwide. Choosing handwoven baskets is a decision you can feel good about.

Oh, and if you're on the lookout for top-notch baskets, Rufina Designs has you covered. We've got a fantastic range perfect for storage, decor, or even as stylish plant holders.

Hi, I’m Rufina,

Back in 2018, I turned my love for crafting African accessories into  Rufina Designs  , right from my bedroom. It’s been an exciting ride ever since as I’ve delved into the vibrant world of African accessories. For me, it’s more than just a business venture – it’s a celebration of my Ghanaian heritage and a way to support our talented local artisans across Africa.

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